

The success of a mission of this type depends on the assistance of manyindividuals and
organizations. The authors wish to express their sincere appreciation to those whoparticipated
and others too numerous to mention whose efforts contributed to the successful completion of
the survey.
We are particularly grateful to Dr. C. L. Dunham and his staff of the Division of Biology
and Medicine of the Atomic Energy Commission and Dr. L. E. Farr and manyothers at the
Brookhaven National Laboratory for their enthusiastic support.
The support of the Department of the Navyin furnishing an LST and transportation of the
teamas well as the assistance of the staff of the Naval Medical Research Institute, the Naval

Radiological Defense Laboratory, the Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet, Naval Station

Kwajalein, and theofficers and men of the LST, Plumas County, was vital to the success of the


In the Marshall Islands we greatly appreciate the splendidassistance of the Trust Territory

officials, particularly Mr. Maynard Neas, Drs. John Iaman, Dr. A. Hicking, Trigar Ishoda,

Nelson, and many other Marshallese who assisted us.

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