of a new canal

(to replace

the present Panama Canal).

Dr. Lloyd Tepper, of DBM and the Division of Operational Safety,

discussed some problems in connection with the supply of DIPA (diethylene
triamine pentacetic acid) to AEC installations.
DTPA, which is highly
effective in the removal of unbound plutonium, is presently supplied by
the Geigy Chemical Co. as an investigational drug.
Geigy is not

interested in marketing DTPA as a new drug and the question arises

whether the AEC should undertake chronic toxicity tests required for

Food & Drug Administration accreditation.

While the AEC could request

exemption from FDA control, it was felt that a reasonable temporary
solution would be for the AEC to stock and distribute DTPA directly to
its various installations and contractors.
Dr. Tepper indicated that
in this way the drug could be kept on an investigational basis for a
prolonged period,
The ACBM concurred with the latter proposal and
also suggested that DBM might ask appropriate Commission-supported
laboratories to examine chronic toxicity of DTPA over the next few


There was some discussion of the recent Rhode Island accident.
In connection with this, the Committee expressed interest in further
briefing by the Licensing Division.

The ACBM suggested that it might be useful for DBM to provide
potential and actual investigators on AEC contracts (offsite) with a
manual describing its review procedures.

The Minutes of the 105th meeting were amended by addition of the
following sentence to the last paragraph on page 2:
information indicates that the diagnosis of carcinoma may have been
incorrect in each instance."
The Minutes of the 106th meeting were approved as circulated,
The 108th meeting of the ACBM is scheduled for March 26-27, 1965
at the Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, Washington.
The 109th
meeting is scheduled tentatively for May 14-15 at the Jackson Laboratory,
Bar Harbor, Maine.
Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Harvey M. Patt

Scientific Secretary,
Advisory Committee for Biology
and Medicine


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