



Davis asked two things:




Have a recheck made on radioactivity at Bikini and


Consider another island for test use.

if safe,

Mr, Dean said that Thomas and Davis would be heppy to
survey the trust islands to find one meeting on


(Note on memo to General Fields for Mr. Boyer =
Please have a further study made of this problem.)
April 17, 1952

Letter to Mr. Dean from Davis
Confirmed agreements of conference
1. AEC will re-examine health hasards at Bikini,

April 24, 1952

AEC will advise of island characteristics of
another test island,

Interior will suggest possible islands as test sites,

Memo to Coloel Schlatter from Colonel Sturges
Sturges discussed matter with Sady, Department of Interior
who stated that Honolulu Office of Interior asked to provide
information on suitable islands and atolls as test sites

in place of Bikini.

(Colonel Schlatter note: After above information is
available, we will ask Santa Fe Operations if one of the
uninhabited islands will serve as an alternate rather

than Bikini.)

May 2, 1952

Meno to Sturg:s from Bugher

Confirms their telephone conversation to the effect that

a re-survey of Bikini coincides with Biology & Medicine plan
to have this done in near future, They have the money to
do this. Dr. Donaldson, University of Washington Fish
Laboratory, will get a team together. Since it will be
some months before they are ready, Bugher asks for specific
questions needing an answer right sway.
Following actions seem necessary:


Get Blology & Medicine to state final position, as soon as possible as

to whether Bikini is safe for the natives to return and live there.


Assuming Bikini safe, SFO-AFC must determine whether Bikini should be
held as test site.


Assuming we can get along without Bikini, SFOeAEC must select another
island from the list to be submitted by the Department of Interior.


Question cf money to pay for another island for the natives must be
resolved if we decide to keep Bikini.

Select target paragraph3