
Mr. DrBrrar. We wanted to get there in time. At times we had
serjous transportation problems and were down to one ship for trips
to the outer islands. Sometimes. the odds were against us, but we tried
to do the best we could.
Mr. Yates. What do you mean. the odds were against you !
Mr. DeBres. We were down to one ship for all the outer islands
at times.

Mr. Yatrs. And one ship would not service the island or the people?
Mr. DeBrra. It takes three field trip ships to service. to make a

complete circuit of the Marshal} Island group. once a month.

Mr. Yates. How manyships do vou need for the food for the
people who were on Bikini? Was one ship adequate for a month's

supply of food?

r. DeBrrast. If we have one ship committed only to Bikini. ves,
one ship wil) do it. The ship that is committed to service Bikini also
services other islands in the Marshall Islands.
Mr. Yares. You mean provide food for the other islands?
Mr. DeBreo. It provides services, it brings in copra and takes in
trade goods so the people can buyit.

Mr. Yares. Mavbe we had better find out about where y ~ work

throughoutthe islands.
How long would vour Jzp«*s be? Presumably your schedule was one
ship a month with food for Bikini.
Mr. DeBres. Yes.

Mr. Yates. And howoften were there lapses in this?

Mr. DeBrra. Not verv much. There were times. as I recall. when

we could not provide a ship until it was a month and a half late, sir.

Mr. Yares. A month and a half late: you mean two weeks after the


Mr. DeBrr»u. Two weeksafter.

Mr. Yares. After the schedule date. And what kind of food? You

said you provided staples? What do you mean bystaples?
Mr. DrBrus. Staples in Marshallese terms is rice, flour, canned
meats, milk.

Mr. Yates. No coconuts?
Mr. DiBrat. No coconuts.
Mr. Yares. I mean from the other islands.
wr DeBrru. We never shipped any coconuts from the other

Mr. Yates. Why would you not! If coconuts were such a delicacy
for the Bikinians, why would you not provide coconuts for them, too!

Mr. DeBrum. 1 wes not a part of our feeding


Mr. Yates. If vou were a Bikinian vou would Pave liked coconuts.
would vou not. from other stam
would be clinbing o tree and getting it myself.

Mr. Yates. You would

not w



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