. .


strate my medical o?inion of the hazards that the l“larshallese people are facing and will continue to face in the
I a-in
hopeful that the statistical and medical
studies which I have recc~.mended will delineate more
clearly the injury to the ifiarshallese, and allow the
]~ar~halle~e lea~e~-s a better opportunity to understand
tk,e problem of their islands. This collection of information can well lead to an improvement in diagnosis of
hitherto unrecognized food-chain radiation caused diseases,
to the identification of the channels thro’ugh which injury
occurs, and ulti~iate result in better treatrrientand even
prophylaxis of oiie type of another againt the development
of such disease, -- for example, the prophylactic use of
inorganic iodine, lessening further absorption by radiofrom food by blocking iodine upta’ke.
active lodir,e
t7ery siricerely yours,


R.R. Merliss,


RWl :1S




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