Because Rongelap was directly affected by
fallout from a 1954 United states
thermonuclear test and because the Rongelap

people remain unconvinced that is safe to

continue to live on Rongelap Island, it is
the intent of Congress to take such steps (if
any) as may be necessary to overcome the
effects of such fallout on the habitability
of Rongelap Island, and to restore Rongelap

Island, if necessary so that it can be safely

The fears that swept through our people were justified in

the eyes of Congress.

The 1982 DOE report and revelations

contained in it terrified our people.
More information was
needed and Congress established a process by which it would be
Your Preliminary Study, as the Mayor and I said to you in
April, “for the first time, contains important and significant
revelations about the radiation contamination to which we have
been exposed."

The disclosures in 1982 made it evident that DOE was not

truthful with the Rongelap people from 1957 to 1982 regarding the

level of atoll contamination.


As alarming as the 1982 DOE Report

the Rongelap people didn't believe that DOE told the full

story regarding atoll contamination or health impacts.

Your study has substantiated our concerns.
the truth and we now know it.

DOE did not tell

Since the April 26 hearing at which time your
Study was released, the nature of your undertaking
Many things you have done or are in the process of
The manner in which this study is now

conducted is unacceptable.

has changed.
doing are not

The following is a list of major problems with the study:



When DOE's Harry Brown

testified before the Appropriations Committee, he indicated that
DOE had published a study in 1986 concerning plutonium and the
Rongelap people. He further stated that the study was provided
to you and your consultants.

It was not.

You were provided

information and data from DOE which was not shared with your
consultant working on this very issue.
Despite repeated requests
for these documents and materials, they remains unavailable.



On June 1, Dr. Bertell completed her report evaluating medical
and health data, including impacts on the children of Rongelap.


Select target paragraph3