
To determine whether or not the determination of specific activity
of soil and plants made by the Livermore Laboratory was correct, a field
trip took place in December 1987 during which samples were collected at 7
locations running the length of Rongelap [sland and on 3 islands of
Ailingnae Atoll. The samples were collected under the supervision of Dr.
H. Paretzke by Livermore technicians and Rongelap men. Senator Anjain
and other Rongelap citizens were present. The results show that the
Livermore technique is an acceptable one.
At each location, the external exposure rate was measured. The mean
for seven locations on Rongelap was 3.4 (2.2-4.6) pRh. Corrected back to
1978, it becomes 4.3 pR/h, in excellent agreement with previous
determinations (Table 4.1 #1).
The samples of soil and vegetation were frozen and shipped back to
the Livermore Laboratory where they were divided so that one-half of each
was sent to Dr. Paretzke in Neuherberg (Munich), the other being retained
for analyses in this county by Dr. Robison (Livermore) and Dr. Kohn
(Berkeley). Dr. Paretzke shared his samples with Dr. Boikat (Bremen).
Each laboratory prepared its own material for analysis and then
analyzed it without knowledge of the results from elsewhere.
Ingeneral, the various laboratory results agreed well with one

another for field sampling (Table N 9# 1-4).

The radionuclide levels on Ailininae Atoll were found to be no more
than one-third those on Rongelap Island.
Among the radionuclides themselves, the extremely low levels of the
transuranics in vegetation and meat compared to soil demonstrate the
operation of biological selection against these elements (5,000 to
10,000-fold). This effect is amplified by further negative selection in
the gut; absorption in adults is about 0.1% compared to 100% for cesium.
During the first month of life, however, absorption from the gut might be
10 to 100 times greater than in adults.
The radionuclide levels are also in general agreement with the most
recent summary of the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (Table 4.2 #2).

These comparisons are of more than routine importance, since many
Rongelap people have stated that DOE laboratory results cannot be trusted
and that the DOE scientists are liars.


Select target paragraph3