
The external gamma-ray exposures of Table 4.1 #1 affect all of
the tissues of the body. In addition, beta rays (cesiurm-137 and
strontium-90) emanate from soil, but have only a limited range in
air and very poor penetration into the body; they might affect the
body'ssurface in those regions which are closest to or are actually
touching the ground. Shoes and clothing provide complete or almost
complete protection.
External beta-ray dose is considered to be unimportant on the
basis of the following. For gamma rays, the Rongelap Island/Eneu
Island external-dose ratio is 1.7 (Table 4.1 #1. The beta-ray dose
ratio at .007 mm depth (basal cell layer, skin) should be
approximately the same. Therefore, by extrapolation from the
determinations at Eneu (Shingleton et al, 1987)
the Rongelap
basal-cell dose would be 46 mrem/y, and at 1 cm depth practically
zero (ICRP 51, Table 26).

skin is § rem/y (NCRP

Since the radiation protection guide for

1987b), the skin dose is a trivial one.


Select target paragraph3