
The following letter is from Dr. W. H. Adams of Brookhaven National
National Laboratory to Dr. Roger Ray of DOE.



July 18, 1985

Mr. Roger Ray

Deputy for Pacific Operations
Nevada Operatlons Office
Department of Energy
P.0. Box 14100
Las Vegas, NV
Dear Roger:
In view of the recent evacuation of Nongelap, which appears to have heen
precipitated by concern about harmful residual radioactivity on the atoll, we
have reviewed our medical records to see if there is any clinical evidence
that supports thls conclusion and course of action.
Since 1957 an unexposed population of Harshallese of Rongelap ancestry

has been examined periodically by the Urcokhaven medical team. This
population (the Comparison group) is similar in age and sex distribution to

the exposed people of Rongelap. The reason for examination of the unexposed
group has been to obtain baseline incidences of diseases in the general

Marshallese population as an aid in detection of previously unidentified
radiation hazards which might affect the exposed group. |

ColJected data on the unexpused penple are sufficient to assess the

effect of residence on Rongelap (since 1957) on longevity, thyrold neoplasia,
and blood counts. We have done a retrospective analysis of their medical
records; %33 of the group are Jiving and 54 are deceased. We have arbitrarily
selected for analysis the following divisions of years of residence on

- <3 years (average, 1.0 years)



Intermediate - 4 - 14 years (average, 7.5 years)
>15 years (average, 20.9 years)

The place of residence for a given year is defined as the place where an

individual recelved his medica] examination. Since there is considerable
migration of Marshallese among the atolls, the site of examination may not
always be the same as the site of residence. Overal], however, there should
be a good correlation between the two.


Select target paragraph3