The following is quoted from ''The Meaning of Radiation for

Those Atolls in the Northern Part of the Marshall Islands That
Were Surveyed in 1978", U. S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C.,
November 1982, page 39:

information Thet Has Been Obtained from the Measurements
Made in 1978

W 233 people live on Rangetap island end eat ioca! foad only trom Rongelap
Scenuats estimate that the largest amount of radiation 8 person might recewe
in one year from radioactive storms that came from tne US bomb tests s
400 millream Bul usually the largest amount s person might receive would be
jess than this This amount of redistion decreases every year however it

Gecreases very Siowly
Tre hignest average amount of radiation people might receive in the coming 30
yeers is 2500 milirem in any par: of the Body and 3300 millirem in just tne
done Narrow

in the coming 30 years scientists estimate thar 10 people may die from cancers
Caused by things otner (han radiation from the siomic bomb lests in Bddition to
ths. trom 0 1 100 6 peaple may dra in the future from cancers caused by 'adia-

NON received in the coming 30 yesrs from the alomic bomb tests

In tne coming 30 years. screntists estimate that 60 chidren could be born with
healtn defects caused by things other inen radiation from tne atomic Domb

tests in addition to this. 0 007 to 0 1 chidren may eventually be born with

health defects caused by radiation thei parents receive in the coming 30 yeers

fram the stomic DOMD tests

tf peopie live on Eneaetos and not on Aongelag isiand. and eat jocat food only
tram Eneaetok the amount of radiation they receive would De about the same
peopie ge to Neen from Rongelan isiand and eet food from Neen they might
recerve about five times More radiation while they are inere

# people go to Namen of Melu trom Rongeiap isiand. end eat food trom those

two siends they Could receive sdoul fwo times More radiation while they are


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