Noshkin, V.E., R.J. Eagle, K.M. Wong, T.A. Jokela, W.L. Robison (1981).
Radionuclide concentrations and dose assessment of cistern water and
groundwater at the Marshall Islands. UCRL-52853, Part 2. Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550
Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) (1987). Current Status of
bioassay procedures to detect and quantify previous exposures to
radioactive materials. Report to the National Cancer Institute.
Medical & Health Sciences Division, ORAU, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37831
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1986-87. Hiroshima-Nagasaki, Japan

Annual Report for

Robison, W.L.


National Academy of Sciences conference.

Robison, W.L.


Personal communication to H. I. Kohn.

data should be published by LLNL in 1988.


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The Northern Marshall Islands radiological survey:


concentrations in fish and clams and estimated doses via the marine
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Laboratory, Livermore CA 94550
Robison, W.L., M.E. Mount, W. A. Phillips, M.L. Stuart, S.E. Thompson,
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assessment of Bikini and Eneu Islands at Bikini Atoll. UCRL 53225,
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Robison, W.L., M.E. Mount, W.A. Phillips, C.A. Conrado, M.L. Stuart,
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