Summary. A-maximum type of internal dose estimate for age 0-12
months (1978) can be made by adding the three doses just developed:
Cesium-137 in breast milk (2 liters/d)

(intake equal to that of


Peace Corps cesium-137 estimates:





-025 rem
-095 rem

The estimate is therefore about .095 rem/day. However, it must be
recalled that infants do not drink 2 liters of breast milk per day -- a
better average might be 1 liter; the transuranic dose during the first
year (not committed dose) would be closer to .025 rem; the daily average
of non-milk cesium intake could be materially less than that stated. A
maximum total of

.05 rem seems more likely at present.

Until we have a more extensive appraisal of what the infant and
small child diet is, it would be wise to withhold final judgement. The
information in hand, however, does provide specific orientation to the
methodology of the problem and the magnitude of the doses involved.

Select target paragraph3