A eL bO OPERATIONS PLAN MISSION NO. FY 78-3 LAWRENCE LIVERMORE (Revision) LABORATORY AND UNIVERSITY OF HAWAIT March 7 - March 29, 1978 tr. REVISION Implementation of the original Operations Plan transmitted by Director/PASO memorandum dated January 5, 1978 was delayed due to logistics support problems created by typhoon Mary and tropical storm Nadine. The University of Hawaii Lagoon Circulation Study was subsequently delayed until about August 1978, although the LLL and U of H Team #1 (Dr. Buddemeier) will proceed with only minor changes in requirements. il, PROGRAM BACKGROUND Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (LLL) and the University of Hawaii have DOE sponsored programs involving the sampling, measurement, and cycling characterics of radionuclides in soil, water and biota. These investigations are aimed at producing resuits which will better enable the United States Government to fulfill its commitments to rehabilitate Marshall Island Atolls for the safe use by the former residents. IIIf. DESCRIPTION OF MISSION A. LiL i, Take groundwater samples on Enjebi, Enewetak and Japtan 2. Run an air sampler on Enjebi for two weeks, and 3. Take reef samples. ur of H, i. Team #1 2. Drill test wells on Enjebi and obtain core samples of water table rock. Perform hydrologic tests and measurements on above wells. 3. Sample in conjunction with LLL, old and new weils for 4. Sample selected wells on Enewetak and Medren. chemical and radiochemical analysis; and IV. RESPONSIBILITIES The Party Chief for LLL is Dr. Kai Wong. is Party Chief of the U of H team. Dr. Robert Buddemeier