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Reutine Radiation Exposures

In 1953 the following reccmmendation was made in the "Report of Com
mittee to Study Nevada Proving Ground":

"It is recomnended, and found to be in conformity with the present
principles of determining permissible exposure limits, that for test

operation personnel the total body gamma exposure be limited to 3.9 r
in thirteen weeks, and that the same figure be applied to the off-site

communities with the further qualification in the latter case that
this is the total figure for the year. In general, this implies a
single test scries in any given year."

On the basis of this recomnendation and the reasoning discussed under
Criteria I, the criteria for estimating the whole-body gamma effective
It will be noted thst the bio-

legical factor intluded under Criteria I is omitted in Criteria V.

In the

first case we are dealing with relatively high doses that may require einergency measures With their sttendant


It is a situation where one

wishes to estimate all pertinent factors in evaluating radiation doses even
though they may not be mown with preciseness, before recommending an emergency action that may produce greater problems.

In the case of Criteria V

one is concerned with relatively lower doses during routine operations.


would be difficult to justify on the one hend the proposition that weekly
doses for general populations may be integrated and taken in a single exposure without penalty and on the cther hand, that a given dose received
over & period of a year may be administratively reduced because of biolog-

ical repair.

Therefore, the biological facter is omitted.

The general effects of backscattering on measured radiation doses

are fairly well established.

Further, knowledge of depth (tissue )-dose

curveshas advancedto a _quantitative state.* Thus.s there seems to be
*Permissible Dose From Exte
sources of Ionj

Bureau of Standards Handbook 59.

September 24, cm

CS fy, FL

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biological dose are summarized in table V,

Select target paragraph3