
Lontamination of Water, Air cng Foadstutts

In any area where the theoretical gamma infinity dose exceeds 10
roentgens, sdequate sampling of the water, eir, and foodstuffs should
be rade to ascertain the conditions of possible contaninetion.

Pased on

past data, however, it is not expected that under those conditions of
fallout where the radiation levels are below those stipulated for pos-

sible evacuation, that the degree of contamination will be a health

(Nor is it implied here that eny level sbove this does consti-~-

tute a serious contamination of water, air, or foodstuffs.)


it is recoune::ied that no ection te taken in racerd to limiting inteke
except to edvis= the washing off of such exposed foods as leafy vegetables

when that action seems desirable,

ech ft,


Select target paragraph3