fore ere ey

highest magnitude of dose rates.)

If one assumes that the decay is accord-

ing to te2, then the total beta dose to the basal layer of the epidermis
of the hand in the next 10 hours would be about 320 reps.

Whereas the above estimates do not indicate an alarming situation, a
more serious problem may come when the contamination is just less than that
where evacuation is indicated.

For example, the contaminaticn of the fsenerul

area may be five or six times that used as an illustration in the preceding
paragraph, without evacuation being recommended.

Thus, beta dose rates

from handling objects, especially in times soon after fallout, may be high
enough to be a problem,

A simple and expedient procedure to reduce this

factor is frequent washing of the hands efter handling objects that were in
the fallout.

Beta lxrosuvs to the Feet and Lover hezs

It was suggesicd in Criteria II that normal closed-type footwear (es
compared to such as open sandals) would probably afford adequate protection
against significant teta doses to the feet from fallout raterial on the

There is still the added problem if the material be sovtfed up and

cling to the ankles and lower legs.

If there were no intervening clothing,

or perhaps even with thin stockings or socks, this might result in significant biological teta doses being delivered to these parts.

For exemple, if

the gamma dose rate reading at FE *¢ 3 hours were something less than five


ce ee re

roentgens per hour, evacuation would not be indicated.

However, for fallout

material of the same concentration in contact with the skin the beta dose rate

at 7 mg/cm” would be about 600 reps/hour (See appendix B.).


personnel would be kept indoors for a few hours but upon release the
approximate beta dose rates at 7 me/eme would be 260 rep/hr three hours

later or 210 rep/hr six hours later.

In addition, there is the variable


Select target paragraph3