Gorpon M. DuNNING OgPha iret emceeate tl hy he ned April 1956 badges as they went about their normal activities in adjacent comnuunities. Outof-door radiation doses were calculated on the basis of the survey cata of monitoring teams shortly aiter fallout (as would be cone in emergency situations); these were later compared with the doses indicated on the personnel film badges. The ratio 109 fs; ° —_ - oo = ; 2 W ee 7th hour ° = . ~ (en ul ” 8 we a 4 5 Co fal peer . o . = * G “+ 1st hour oo # Times after detonation . j $f ftp } 10 J ae stedieies hint ale. silo f 1 “vi of initial fatlout 1 AT” > PET <q Go nn 3rd hour a tft) "wo See text for assumptions. with multiroom single-story concrete block of doses measured on film badges to those™ calculated for out-of-doors generally fell between 0.4 and 0.5. Duration of exposure ranged from two to three weeks. On the basis of these data the dose with values. Since the duration of the ex- area may be conservatively estimated at the effect was undoubtedly due principally to shielding rather than to weathering effects. Limited data were also collected for personnel—school teachers, physicians, mechanics, and others—weanng film sons fully exposed for twenty-four hours each day. One may combine the assumptions made for weathering and shielding and arnve at a family of curves which estimate the school buildings. The ratios of out-ofdoor to indoor doses ranged from 1.3 to 7. As‘anticipated, one-room frame buildings generally provided the least protection, ’ buildings falling within the upper range of -Shielding during normal occupancy of an posures was generally less than one week, 25 per cent less than that received by per- ~ mA eee ae Perrrr. 7 ee ef hour at time of fallout. ti picts Estimated average accumulated gamma radiation doses for personne! continuing to live normally in a contaminated area, based on a dose rate of lr per een Graph 3. (DAYS) kJ) , . DURATION OF EXPOSURE FOR TIMES IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING DETONATION oe, the Nevada Test Site, a number of film badges were placed outside and inside ee me ae et ae Sire, tel hay Oe ~ During the 1955 nuclear test serics et me buildings or natural terrain features and on the length of stay at a particular place. Tete tee accumulated radiation dose may be observed, dependent upon the location of personnel in relation to different types of ORT Gem + se eagre: ALmeTReetrener, mre + RRP TB 0 see eee Caewma es Fear PASTEaEARE SR!PNT 588