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one may then ask the question, "What will be the beta dose rates at
varying times after detonation that the contamination occurs such that
the integrated doses to the skin will at no time equal Strandgvist

curve for erythema?" |
For early fallout tines the limiting fector will be to keep tke
first day's beta dose telow 1250 reps;

for later times of initial

fallout the first day dose may be less than 1250 reps but subsequent
accumulative doses may be greater than Strandgvist curve.

A family of

curves was prepared of beta dose rates versus time after contamination

such that each would meet but not exceed Strandgvist curs. for erythema
for tines out to 40 days then, based on the discussion contained uncer
Criteria I, a conversion factor of 125 was selected to convert beta
doses rates at a depth of 7 mz/com* of tissue to gamma dose rates at
three feet above an infinite plane.

These gamma dose rates are

plotted in appendix C(a).
If one accepts all the assumptions that go into preparing this

curve, then cons does not have to estimate the variable of how long the
fallout material was in contect with the skin, for the curve suggests
that as long as the initial indicated gamma dose rates are not reached
then erythers might not be expected to appear,

(However, this approach

still docs not give assurance that sincle hot particles will not


produce erythema.)
Generally, the gamma dose rate readings in the curve appendix Cla)/
suggest theoretical maximm infinite gamma doses of about 20 roentgens

for a one-hour fallout, to about 55 roentgens for a two-day fallout.
For those early times after detonation when relatively heavier fallout

MB be 6

might be anticipated, this infinity gamma dose is two to three times


Select target paragraph3