

Dataon sning) Fyroosures

The data on animal exposures are less firm than those for humans,
Unmistenble beta burns occurred on cattle at Alamogordo in July 1945,
on cattle at the Nevada Proving Grounds in spring 1952, and on horses

in stijigz 1953,

(Tho skin damage observed en sheep in the spring 1953

was not established to be beta burns.)

However, the cxact positions

of the animals in relation to known amounts of fallout are not clear,
Following the last detonation of the spring 1952 series at the

Nevada Proving Grounds, about one half of a herd of 150 head of cattle
were found to Rave evidence of beta burns.

They were thought to heve

beon 14-20 iniles from ground sero in Kavwich Vallcy to the northeast
end to have been exposed to fallout fron the last detonation.


dose rate readings taken slong a dirt road mmning lengthwise through

this valley integrated to 75-100 infinity ganma doses.
During Upshot-Knothole, 16 horses showed sxin lesions over the
beck ond eye dam:za was noted in a few.

The best evidence indicated

that the horses werd some 10—-12 miles to the cast of ground zaro on

17 March 1954, where the fallout occurred from the first detonation
(about 15 KT on a 300 foot tower),

Radiation levels in this area are

not knotn with certainty but the fallout occurred in a narrow band
and was carried by relatively high velocity winds so that it probably
fell on the horses at a time less than one hour.

If so, probably

more than one-half of the infinity dose was delivered during the next

Select target paragraph3