It is to be recalled that:

(a) the natives probably were out-of-

doors and received the full fallout, (b) the oily hair, semi~naked
perspiring bodies including bare feet, and lack of bathing for most
would tend to collect and hold the fallout material, (c) the tine of
Gelivery of essentially all of the doses was two to three days.


it may be speculated that the fallout on the more distant island of

Utirik (about 300 statute miles) would consist of smaller particles and
also perhaps lesser possibility of overlapping of radiation fields from
these particles,

Some of the relevant data are summzrized in table II,

Due to the

uncertainty of tr: degree of exposure of personnel on Rongerik to the
direct fallout, this group is not included.

It is to be immedictely

emphasized that any comparisons made or implied in the table sre at
the most only semi-quantitative,

Table II will be referred to in Cri-

teria III and IV but is included here as a summary of the data discussed


Select target paragraph3