tfonated doses.

Cf coursse,


Caily radiation coses received from


Sh ame ke

out are not equally fractionated so that the ratio would be in the
direction of unity.

Day-by-day doses delivered from fallout from the

15th dey to one year are more nearly equivalent than at early tines

(ignoring the weathering factor).

Strandgvist data do not extend

beyond 40 days and it is quest jonable to extrapolate his datain tn


ara, Pp RRR a

attempt to derive a similar ratio as above based on one year, since

affecting the rate of dose delivery, etc.


other uncertainties are so great, i.e., effects of weathering as
The ratio would presum-

ably be farther from unity then for a 15-day period
relatively rapidly repeal red orsan end thus may tend to overeery: asize

the effects of fractionation when considering whole=bedy gsita



Cronkite reports**

"In the dog, with cobalt gamma rays, the ¢

50 percent of the dogs in a thirty-day rina fingle doce at roughly 15 r per mir
275 r, After Dhis douse of reaiation th
Within « pericd or 7 to 10 days and deat
€ignth and twenty-fifth cay. Henorrhaz:.

| .

profound anemis ere prevalent. If the °<
10U r per Gay given over a fourteen-her
dose is insreas2d to 600-900 r. Unier



animals die in approxirately tne sam
identical manifestations.
If the exrosr
per cay given over a fourteen-hour perithen increased to well over 1200 r, ana

findings are chanzed,"

Qne problem in such experiments is the eval:

that the animals may be virtually dead while the .


This might be illustrated in experiments

where the daily doses of 400, 200 and 100 roent::
separate groups required 3600 to 4000, 2800 to 3:
*See Addendum, page 28,

**Medical Aspects of Radiolocical Defense,


to Federal Civil Defense Administration, Regicr.:
Northeastern States of Radiological and Chemica’

City, October 22, 1953.

that wili kill

; when delivered






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E. P.
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