only if at least 15 roentgens could be saved by suck action; and at 50
roentgens or higher evacuetion would be indicated without regard to¥the
possible savings in radiation dose.
In making a rough estimate cf radiaticn doses, one may calculate
nr. theoretical maxime: infinity gamma dose and then crditrarily civide

ty some number such as "2" for en estinate of dese actually received,
Whereas this may be satisfactory as a first approximation, a more
accurate estimate should be attempted, especially when dealing with
doses that might constitute a health hezard,.
Owing to the necessity cf making early meesurerents and decisicns,
it js to be expected that dose-:ate readings, teken with survey ::sters,
will be the available evidence at the times of concern,

Table I> suz-

marizes the parameters considered in estimating an effective biological
cose based on dose=-reate readings.

Vieaaeerzt ‘

Select target paragraph3