7 eee


eee wba


The decisicn to evacuate & community is critical for two princifal


One, presumably there might be a health hazerd if the person-

nel were allowed to remain,

Two, there is always an element of danger

and/or hardship to personnel involved in such an emergency measure.
It is recognized thet extenuating circumstances may accompany any

situation where conditions indicate evacuation es a noda of action,
The size of the community, arezs end ecconncaations available for the
evacuees, means of transportation and routes of evacuation, disposition
of ambulztory cases, protection of the property left behind, and many
other factors may enter into the decision rclative to evacuation,

Further, it is recognized thet under certcin cenditions, the evacuatica
of a community might not only prove rether ineffectuel bat could result
in more radiation exposure than if the popwlation remained in place
unless the situation be edequately evaluated.

A blanket evaluation

cannot be made in advance; each situetion can be unique.

The follow-

ing criteria therefore are suggested as guides in assessing the p-s-

sible radiological hazards; the final decision must be made on the

basis of all relevant factors know at the time.

Select target paragraph3