Funding responsibilities have been divided between
DOI, DOD, and AEC. DOD is responsible for an
engineering survey and for cleanup activities to
include support of monitoring and survey efforts.
DOI is responsible for rehabilitation costs. AEC
is funding for the radiological aspects of the
precleanup survey and will be responsible for
longer range radiological efforts which might be
necessary to define further the environment or to
maintain follow-up surveillance. Radiological
efforts directly in support of cleanup would be
funded by DOD.
After initial weather delays in the conduct of
the radiological survey, it is now progressing
satisfactorily with completion estimated in
mid-February 1973.

That the Commission note the current status of
these activities and the potential requirement for

future efforts in support of cleanup, rehabilitation,
and resettlement.


Divisions of Biomedical and Environmental Research

and Operational Safety have concurred in this


way Ibe,


CDR W. F. Wolff, USN, DMA


General Manager

Select target paragraph3