He feels that the
solution might be to place the reactor at an ALC installatien needing powr,
Dr, Rabi said competition would be a great catalyst.

Dr. Wigner looked with concern at PwR because it would be built i

with great disregard for cost.

Mr. Strauss said we “plead guilty” to this hsving happened ati,J

AEC installations, but he said that we
that in this instance.

would make every effort %o prevent

There was considerable, But not unanixous, agreement that tins

was not of prime importance,

In response to Mr. Murray's qucstion, Dr. Rabi said he felt
that time was not a prime consideration.

Dr. Whitman said he felt there was urgency but not, for example,

a need for overtine,

Mr. Murray threw some doubt on the cost figures presented

by. Fisk said he feit that the costs should be in the ball park,

and Mr. Murray agreed.

Talking about the cost figures, Mr. Murray eited

this morning's meeting with North American,

Dr. Sayth said that perhaps we needed a figure with e plus or

minus go many dollars.

6. Matters.


In response to the GAC's eoncern sbout inforzation, Mr. Strauss

said he hed in mind # plen for setting up one person charged with the

responsibility of keeping the GaC informed. He would discuss this with
the Ghali maan of the GAC and the General Amager.
There was discussion ef a proposed executive order for centralisation of funding for basic research.
Mr. Strauss suggested that we would be helped in our coments

by the GAC eomsents.

Dr. Rebi asked what remedial steps might be taken, DOE ARCHIVES
Dr. Buokley disagreed that scientists should do the reviewing,

and Dr. Whitam screed with him.

Dr. Fisk cited the business practice

ef deciding a percentage te be devoted to research.

Select target paragraph3