
Gamma spectrometry on ashed samples revesled that certain

radioisotopes such as Zn®® C057, Co? and Mn®4 were common in
all soft tissues examined, while only Zn®8 ang Ma®4 were found in
the bone.

The similarities between these gamma spectra and those

obtained from fish tissues of other areas of the Pacific are pointed

Chemical separations by ion-exchange resin column techniques
were made on fish liver sampies from Ailinginae Atoll.


samples exhibited the characteristic gamma spectrum of fish tissues
from the three areas.

The presence of the radioisotopes mentioned

above was verified and quantitative estimates of the radioactivity of

each isotope in the sample were made.
using mase absorption techniques.

In addition Fe55 was found

About 40 per cent of the total

radioactivity was due to zn85; 38 per cent to C097, C098, and C089;
28 per cent to Fre°5. and about 6 per cent to unidentified radioisotopes.
Ion-exchange resin column methods failed to reveal the presence
of radiostrontium in the liver of Enibuk reef fish.

This radioisotope



has been reported occasionally in fleh bone of the Rongelap region but
only in very small amounts.


Select target paragraph3