
In general, the gamma

spectra of the fish tissues from different

areas have definite similarities, even when compared to results ob-

tained frorr. other atolls (Lowmanetal 1957)

Differences in gamma

spectra appear to be greater between different organs of the same fish

than between the same organs of fish from different islands or atolls.
Separation and Identification of the Nuclides by lon-exchange Techniques
To identify the various radionuclides contained in the reef fish liver
samples collected at Enibuk Island,

Ailinginae Atoll, July 11,



samples were

pooled and the ash (0.384 grams) dissolved in 0.2 N HCl.

This solution,

after filtering, was passed through an ion-exchanze

cationic resin coiun.n of Dowex 50.

The anions and HCI wash fractions

of the sampie were combined and later passed through an ion-exchange
column of Dowex | anionic resin to further separate the fractions and to

obtain the excess of the nuclides resulting from overloading the cationic



The radioassay of the fractions obtained from both columns

summarized in Table 5.

by Lowmanet ai (1957).


Details of these procedures have been reported

The methods generally follow those developed

by Tompkins et al. (1947), Kraus and Moore (1953), Kimura etal (1956),
Takanobu et al. (1956), and Ishibashi et al. (1956).
The identification of Fe?) in the oxalate fractions was made by mass
absorption technique in a windowless methane gas-flow



One-m| plates of several fractions totaled 39 c/m after drying under


Select target paragraph3