
Model Shelter Design for Nationa] Security Resources Board Study

Dr. Warren said that he proposed to instruct his staff to prepare plans
for a model personnel shelter accommodating from 6 to 20 people. The
plans would be transmitted to the National Security Resources Board with a
recommendation that they be included in the civil defense report being prepared by the NSRB for issuance on about vhe first of September. Dr, Warren
said that, in his opinion, if the NSRB decided not to use the plans the Commission should consider releasing them independently. After discussion,
the Commission:
NOTED WITH APPROVALthat the Director of Biology and
Medicine wuld hav2 plans for a model shelter prepared for early
submission to “he NSR3B with a recommendation that they be included
in the fortiicoming civil defense report of the NSRB.

Roy B. Snapp

Approved by the Commission: September 26, 1950.

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