support, as available, to ERDA and its contractors when supporting
the DNA Enewetak cleanup operation, including but not limited to:


An Atoll Commander (Project Coordinator) and staff to serve

as a single point of contact with the various components
of the DOD on matters related to the cleanup project.


Housing and subsistence for personnel of ERDA and its
contractors, who are required at Enewetak in support of
the DNA cleanup, on the same basis as for employees of
DNA and its contractors.


Intra-atoll transportation, with intra-atoll air transport
allocated on a priority basis, as determined by the Atoll


Long haul transportation as available.


General medical service at Enewetak dispensary, including
medical evacuation.


Communication support, including mail and message center
support, on Enewetak Island; telephone and, when available,
long haul communications, to the extent authorized by and

in accordance with applicable DOD directives and instructions


Office, laboratory, warehouse, and storage space.

Refueling support for vehicles and watercraft when supporting
the cleanup operations.

Select target paragraph3