Join hw Derry






“Toveavear 15, 1950

Teennical Coorsination

A Pequess vas tecelive 3 ree she Jantord Joerations Wize for ait

in securinc a uicrovarograon capacle of detectiny and recording
“mrbe chanves in oressurs. The Jivision of “ilitary Asolicaclon,
Wale was remucctoa to ueberiine tue jossivilitc: oF obtaining one

of trese instrwients develoned sy the .aval Ordnance Laboratory
under contract to the Air Torce, vill coordinate the loan betivcen
one Air -orce and cianrorde
fhe Sanit
Sneinsceriny Desartient of Jonnsefonkins Universit;
remlested infornation froa the Srancn on recommended tyne
ediuloment to Se used in cheec’zsins radioactive levels in tne exhauss
stacris of contanineted waste disnosel equioment in connection -lth
a contract which they nave “lth the Yormission. Since satisfactory
equipment of this tyme is not commercially available, they were
rererred to three exserts at Commission installations -vyho have


desizned and ised instrments for shese nurmosese

Production Bnvineerin of sadlabion Instruments

Plans|are uncerWay Lor 4ube oroduction ensineering develonnent of
survey meter of the oroton recoil tyne
Secause of she extonsive

interest in this instrument ov Commission

installations reouirin: reliable fast neutron survey equioment, this
project will be given Alin orlorlLty.
Under consideration for oroduction develooment is a zamia scintillation counter also cesimed at Dak Vidge National Laboratory which
not only is one of tne most sensisive instrusents develsped to date,
out is ercsrenely stable anc relianle, his sortable instrument tives
a resvonse bo backsround oF annrovimately 20,009 councs ser minute
vhus nemaltcine a stavisticcliy reliaole inetuod of detecting siiail
percent cnansese The dossibility oF usin: this instrument to devect
suugsled nuclear weanons “rill be investizated.
e6ebving witn Industry
wenresentatives of the Netional tadiac Comany, a nevly formed orsanization, visited the Zranch to discevss the vossibility of obtaining
Commission supvort of a scintillation zhnosnhor crystal sroving orojecte
A new orocess is slanned to oe used to produce both Larver and clearer
scinvillators than sossiple oy the usual nrocesses. The feasibility
or this orovran is oelns decernainede

As described in 15 above (in trip.)



Select target paragraph3