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Dr. Charles Dunham

Directcr, Division of Blology
and Medicine

U.Ss Atomic Mmergy Commission


Washington 25, D. Ca
Dear Dr. Dunham,

In attempting to appreciate the possible reasons for the presence of

Tungsten-185 in the equatorial stratosphere long after the Hardt&ack

test series, I have suggested, out not seriously, that the Tungsten
fe attached to Larger parti:ies than has been characteristic of

previous test series in tne Pa.ific. The prime difference, as far as
I am aware, detween the Hardtack testa and earlier ones, besides the
productica of Tungsten-155, {ts the loading of non-indigémeous sand on

those events in barges.

I have no information which would, at this

time prove that tie particle aize snouid be larger than in earlier

teats even if the Hardtack sand loading were unique. If the latter
were the case, it might Justify further search to see if the particle
size is influenced by the weapon environment. Thus, for the above
and probably other reasons, it would be highly deairable to obtain
information on the environment of ali of the muclear detonationa in
the Pacific.Proving Grounds.

We should like to have the kind of substances and their amounts given
in tre listing:

Very smail amounts of material in the weapon whicn

are highly eensitive data need not be provided.

In addition, ve

should appreciate a listing of the water depth for al) eititmwater
shots. While it would be desirable to obtain this date on an unclassified
basis, we would be willing to accept it as classified information.
Sincerely yours,

Leatar Machta


Chief, Special Projects Section
Office of Meteorological Research

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Select target paragraph3