Jeposirory DOE,/ PASO —DoeLfv’ ee) ae BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC. Upton, New York 11973 x /G97¢ bné)|(At. [PROGRAM (516) 3455 December 1978 I must apologize for the use ef this form letter co keep our survey 4 60 Eo.ud anformcd o£ new developments. Due to the short jexd time, however, £ eel this vill be the most expeditious means of communication. t. - “The most exciting news is that we have just completed the contract egetiarions for ouw own vessel--the Egabrad, soon to be renamed the ikteneur II. The accommodations on this ship appear to be much inprove:l ver our prayious surveys. %1n addition, we hope to be able to perform the antire examiuation abcard ship, rather than half on shore annd half aboard ship. Tisis should faciiitate the flow of patients. Additionally we ar2 looking for twe more inter rpreters. We have obtained dstatied Ht as street maps of Majuro and tbeye and a grid map will be used co prepler the street survey--hopefully ceducing some of the vrevious coufFusier. a at I plan te arrive in Honolviu on 10 January 1979 and will be stayirs at tne airport Ramada Ini until we leave for Majuro an Setucday, 13 a) January, on Air Micronesia (Continental), Flight # g 767 sp e7%eo Guc common contact point in Honolulu will ba a Mr. Jimmy Pourd, Holmes and MarWer travel section at Hickam Field, phone (8C8) 422--624% Tf he is wnavailable, the DUE/PASC coordinator, a Mr. Harry Brown, at (605) 422-9211 should be able to help. My scheduie facludes performing coupiete examinations on three Marshallese at Tripler Army kospitai, heginning at 0890 on LL January, then, either that efternoon er on Friday, Dr. Cronkite and {I plan to visit the University of Hawaii to diseuss possible future affiliations. I hops tnat we can all get together some time thefore we leave for Majuro--} pefully Friday night for dinner. T'11 try to coordinate the affoir, if. you'll leave a message for me at the Rawels ton; otherwise we can ali mset at the airport. I am enclosing a copy uo; tha 1979 Protocol. id hepe it will answer nost ef your questicons. Viesase feel free to cali if any problems erise--hope to see you Friday night, 12 Januury 1979, in Honolulu. dele kalakamaka: Alohe, or a te Aaot OT ‘e F@LOER : aaA3bo #3 Oo BOX No. C 2S" BEST COPY AVAILABLE