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above age two, have had these screening
an. Every individual has a final appointexaminations between June 1983 and
ment with Dr. Hamilton to have the meAugust 27, 1983 from Rongelap, Utirik,
dical report explained. He currently has
Mejit, Ailuk, and Ebeye. Over 20 new
about a hundred peopte with less serious
thyroid tumors were found in people
or no medical problems who have not
during this period of time. In addition,
yet had their final appointments, howover 25 people were found with other
ever these should be completed by Octsignificant medical problems which were
ober, 1983.
undiagnosed and untreated. Some of these
A second part of the medical evaluation
people required immediate treatment program began in June of 1983. This involves a screening examination of all: the other people were recommended to
see dr. Hamilton in Majuro for complete
Marshallese people in the northern Marevaluations. Since many of these people
shall Islands including Rongelap, Utirik,
with new thyroid tumors from any
Mejit, Ailuk, Likiep, Wotje, Lae, Ujae,
atoll were actually on a different atoll
Wotho, and ail people tiving on Ebeye
during 1954 during Bravo, it will be
from these atolls. As of August 27, 1983,
necessary to examineall people from the
almost all people from Rongelpa, Utirik,
northem Marshall Islands, and possibly
Mejit, Ailuk, and Ebeye people from
ALL of the Marshall Islands, before a
Rongelap, Utirik and Mejit have had this
more complete story can be reported.
screening examination. This examination
Although the United States under .the
consists of a blood pressure check and a
Trusteeship has been responsible for the
complete neck and thyroid examination.






clean-up of Bi-

be Rapegre eee

berling asking for immediate surveys.

Vote jab and write to Congressman Sie- 4}

all the islands and a medical survey ofall
the Marshall Islanders.

for an independent radiological survey of

the Trusteeship to immediately provide

States should carry out its duties under ¥ o

The Compact of Free Association with
the attached 177 agreement should be :
defeated. The Government of. the United

kini, which we are told must come from
the same inadequate funds.

perty, even without the

As more and more radiation related illnesses are discovered it becomes more and
more apparent that the money provided
under the 177 agreementis grossiy inadequate to compensate all those who suffered injury to either their persons or pro-

Micronesian people.

7 cer ere es

Select target paragraph3