o aa SWPT wasn, CARLOS J WOCHEAD, CALB. Gan COATS. Oo. Onda fouWoEn, Ren 1 Sone BevanTOC, MustntGONEJATOL pAOYEL AG ROOM 42-318 WOUSE OFFICE BUILDING AENIX NO. 8 Preoeet (202) 220-2424 , U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SUBCOMMITTEE ON ENERGY CONSERVATION “gsome ANDOfPOWER THE Jom 0 GiGi. eo COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20515 w woun uccAae ners October 30, 1984 The Honorable Donald P. Hodel Secretary Department of Energy Forrestal Building 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. 20585 Secretary: As you know, the Subcommittee has been surveying Atomic Energy Commission files dealing with radiation exposure over the period 1945-1962. This is to request that copies of certain documents in those files be provided to the Subcommittee for further review. Many of the requested documents are Unclassified or are For Official Use Only and thus may be provided directly without difficulty. However, I understand that a number of the documents are classified. In view of the age of the subject material, I believe these documents could likely be declassified. Accordingly, I request that their classification be reviewed by the Department so that declassified copies can be provided where possible. Copies of any documents which must remain classified should be transmitted separately to the Subcommittee office. The subcommittee staff contact for this request is Dr. Gerald Brubaker who can be reached at 226-2424. A list of the requested documents is attached. Thank you for your cooperation is this matter. Sincerely, (A O t Y . AA Richard L. Ottinger Chairman Attachment 5000821 7 THIS STATIONERY PRINTED ON PAPER MADE WITH RECYCLED FIBERS C 1237 \ “