(summary and Conclusions

The range of dose estimates presented here for a "typical PATAPSCO crewman"
vary between 0.9 to 10r depending on the exposure conditions.

Our conservative

“best estimate; that we believe is on the figh side because of the nature of the
worst case analysis used here, is 3.3r.

This dose was accumulated between the

estimated start of fallout deposition aboard ship at 011520 March and crew
evacuation at 100200 March at Pear) Harbor.
So many assumptions were made in this analysis that confidence limits cannot
be assigned to the values presented.

All that can be done is to list those

assumptions most crucial to the above estimates.
1. The fallout “hot line" coincides with the ships track during the period of
.?. Extrapolation of a power curve fit to the H+ 1 hr does rate contours pro{ des an adequate description of fallout deposition.

The dose rate is adequately described by the t -1.2 law.

4. The choice of an instantaneous storm decontamination time could significantly change the primary dose contribution.

In order for tre fallout deposition to grossly exceed the estimated value
something like a "catastrophic" high altitude rainout would have to have

However "catastrophies" of this type are not predictable.

Action Suggested.

It will be noticed that the subject of internal personnel

doses was not discussed.

It will also be noticed in the Appendix, that reference

is made to a report covering the events leading to the ships contamination and
possible dose to the crew. This report was to be prepared by then LCDR Royce K.



Captain Skow (USN Ret*) was contacted and asked if the report was ever

Captain Royce K. Skow (USN Ret.), 13246 Via Rancho Ct., Saratoga , CA

(408) 867-0728


Select target paragraph3