Simtee-Blesdical Frogras

It was recemmended that a realirtic mumter for the
serial sacrifice study ves tvo animals cf each epectes

per period. It was recomended that all these animls
te exporved to the same doce 6f radiation, one that

would be at least the LD,,.9. The recamuented doze
wan about 550 P.
it is eyperent that ceatrol etudies should be done to

deteraica accurately the mort cuitable dimensions of
the yeriode:

i.e. Bourse, doys, ete.
Reepectfully subsaitted,

GainUd Ve LencY, #3.




Eicpedi¢al Fregray


Soist Taek Pores $3

Dr. Usrrea

Br. Graves
Capt. Dreeger

eck wiitNO FRC

Select target paragraph3