

Dose Reassessment for Populations on Rongelap and Utirik following exposure to

fallout from the BRAVO incident

(March 1, 1954).


Incidences of thyroid nodules, benign and malignant, in the exposed populations
of Utirik and Rongelap has indicated critical differences in correspondence between
nodule incidence and thyroid dose for the populations (Table 1).
The estimated
external dose received from the time fallout began to the time of evacuation shows
that the Rongelap population received an external dose (175 rads) which was about
13 times that for the Utirik population (14 rads), and the thyroid dose was about
10 times larger, whereas the incidence of thyroid nodules in the two populations

were not significantly different.

A preliminary study has indicated that the critical area of investigation that
could shed light is the period during fallout and evacuation for both the islands.
In addition, the fact that the Utirik population returned within 120 days following
evacuation, whereas the Rongelap population returned only after three years,


that we Look closely at the Utirik population in terms of a longer exposure period,
both internal and external.
Further studies would, therefore, have to concentrate
on the reexamination of all available data in reports issued by various agencies

during that period, consultations with scientific personnel involved at that time,
identifying the areas of uncertainty,

and using appropriate computer programs


analyze the data.
The end result will enable us to look for correlations between
the incidence of thyroid nodules and the reassessed dose estimates.

To examine the external and internal dose estimates to the Rongelap and Utirik
populations following the "Bravo'’ test in order to:


increase the confidence in the reported values

test the hypothesis that radiation effects can be translated
into meaningful dose estimates
look For correlationship between the thyroid cancer cases and the
reassessment dose estimates (if any).

Method of Study:

Literature Search:

This would require examining the various research reports

such as:


Weapon Test (WT)
Naval Research Defense Laboratory (NRDL) Reports
Reports from various other laboratories (University of Washington, etc).

Personnel Contacts:
Efforts will be made to contact as many of the scientists
and technical persons, who were involved in the early years for information
on Measurement


techniques and analytical procedures.


Select target paragraph3