Olea The Antonelli-Veldell Convictions M AYOR WASHINGTON has described the bribery pared with Mr. Antonelli's gains. But aside from | and conspiracy convictions of his tap alle, Joseph illegalities of this connection, the relationship in P. Yeldell, and millionaire developer Dominic F. Anto- event was precisely the sort that prudent gov nelli Jr. as a tragedy for the District of Columbia, as mentofficials should take pains to avoid. well as for the two men and their families. The mayor By receiving financial favors [rom someone is half right—eertainly there is personal tragedy in this whomhis city government agency was in a pos case for the two men most directly involved. But this is to do favors of a most profitable nature, Mr. Ye nut a tragedyfor the communily. It is an ordinary case showed, as he had on other occasions, a remark of corruption—and neither the integrily of the local insensitivity to the public responsibility entruste LOvernment nor of businessmen should suffer as a con+ him. Through the years, it was Mr. Yeldelt’s inc sequence of it. The crimes committed, in fact, were un- ing preoccupation with the trappings of poli fortunately commonplace when you consider the many power, coupled with administrative incompete states and federal agencies where investigations of top that interfered with his agency’s ability to serve public officcholders, friendships and cash have pro- people of this cily who need help the most. duced evidence of government corruption. It was inexcusable that Mr. Yeldell was allowe What the jury found was an arrangement whereby mismanage for as long as he did, with no effort by Mc. Yeldel) traded a fat D.C. government lease for a superior, Mayor Washington, to do something al secret $33,000 persanal loan from Mr. Antonelli. You it. At least now it is a thing of the past—and th could say it was a (ragedy that Mr. Yeldell's participa- anything buta tragedy for the local government tion in this arrangement netted him so Jiltle com- the people it still secks to serve. ‘ Neo - Sot te te eet Oo Wi dasod YON se papfala faq ‘S99 nos Sy uc, jo quawyivdag yowuweu ayy Jo JadEUELaqy aiirsagq [oplog “ayy PUE sar ayy Jado Hoo, SUT ayy uayAy “sawya &q doy ayy te pozoysquru “pv sem Ip du) pur siodiq wrayinog Aq UNE SEAS DOUMULOS FALISIC] BSNOET 9Uy ‘odu sacad gg AyD Sly 0] BUIeS [Ua Ay "os F10U sdewsad ‘auoduc Se ON se isnd syqnd a4) proydn of saspeay BEST COPY AVAILABLE NaelqQ 3ysH, yadxa vjdoad yovtq pur ‘os suour sdeqiad ‘auokue se poyuato J3pso pur mel su sie atdood xarig :Ano Ay Apucuiwopaad c up aapsnf ynoqe suorpiosse om, aaod Tapia“fi ydasor Puy sosiq sopieyg ‘doy jo speisy oy Soap vay } “ALWAAL U0 Auto fq Aivjquawtues p utoss ploday ayy 105