

Project 22,3 - 8Unit Moritoring - C. E. Ingersoll
E. C. Woodward
The technique used for monitoring the S-unit oconsistel of telemetering

signals from signa: sources in the immediate neirhberhood of a”
(Kickapoo) tevice by high fre,uemcy reiiofrequency methods to a receiving
an! recording etation located on Parry.

The signals vere then recorded

6 osci llographe.
The signal sources were the load ring pulse of the Y-unit ani ‘he
output of a fluor - photemultiplier ‘4etecter near the S-unit which measured

doth the S-unit output and the gamma rays from the nuclear reaction,

The cecillograph tisplays consisted of a raster scope display contairing
all signals and a linear sveep display om a 5)7 oscillograpt vhich shows!

greater detail of the lesring pulse signal and the S-unit signal.
The results of the peasurement are as follows:

Tine from beginning of I-unit lead ring pulse to beginning ef

Sanit pulse #

Tield of Sanit =|



Probable tires from beginning of x-unit load ring pulse to gesm

reepectively leed to value of @ =

- 2-


Select target paragraph3