
Project 6.1 - Accurate Looatioh’éf an Electromagnetic Pulse Source R.A. Lewis

To utilise the electromagnetic signal oririnating from nuclear vespon
detonations to determine ground sero of detonation.

Seoondarily to obtain

the yield data that is available in the bomb pulse,


Location ef ground sero is made by use of an inverse Loran principle.
The exact time the bomb pulse is received at various stations is recoried.

The exact time difference in receipt of the electromagnetic pulse between
two stations vill be used to determine a hyperbolic curve which runs through
ground sero.

The point of intersection of two or sore curves determines

ground sero.
There we BESDLAMAILABLE COPY... abort base

line or Marol System operates e net in the Hawaiian Ialends and eancther net
in California,

Esch net consists of one master station with slave stations

connected vith microveve link 30 to 60 alles on either side.

The alave

stations receive and sutcmatically tranamit the bomb pulse to the master
station where pulse shape and time differences are analysed.

The California

net has the master station located at Woodland and slave stations peer
Pattedurg and Marysville.

The Hawaiian net has the master station loosted

at Kona, Hawaii and the slave stations at Red Hill, Maui; and Pape, Hawaii.
Eaoh net will attemrt to determine one hyperbolic line or a line of


position and will not attempt an exact fix or exact location of ground sero.

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The secon! system known as the long base line system has one net of

stations in the Meveilan ares and ancther in the Continental U.S.

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base line net requires a synchronising trengeitter and receiving station.
leeated not more than 1500 miles from the tranamitter.



For the Hawaiian net

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