(2) While Enjebi is listed in Case III as a food gathering island,
the conference agreed that it would be desirable to clean the island to a

higher standard recognizing that the Enewetak people wished to make maximum

use of Enjebi.

Resources permitting, this might allow Enjebi to be cleaned

to the standards for an agricultural or even a living island.

The conference

agreed that the final decision would be deferred until the entire atoll
characterization was complete and a master work-resource allocation plan


It has been intended that the quarantine of Runit be continued
indefinitely until cleanup of contamination could be completed. The present

OPLAN specifies that all areas over 400 pCi/g are to be excised. Since
the work effort to cleanup Runit and to entomb contaminated soil in the

crater on Runit requires such a large commitment of DNA resources when
compared to the end use that could probably be made of the island, it was

felt that the amount of the work to be done on Runit should be predicated

on the total resources available to cleanup the entire atoll and not upon
a desired standard for Runit alone. It was, therefore, agreed that the

decision on cleanup of Runit be deferred until a better appreciation could

be gained on the impact of including transuranics. This requires further
study to determine activity levels, soil volumes, and the subsequent develop-

ment of a master work plan for assessing the entire scope of work on all
the islands. The initial master work-resource allocation plan will be
completed and approved after all measurement characterizations of the

individual islands are complete.

Guidance for Field Application of Criteria.

To support cleanup decision making in the field, additional guidance
is needed on the application of cleanup criteria for agricultural islands.

DOE agreed to develop dose estimates for Agricultural Islands. These dose
estimates will then be used to develop additional guidance on cleanup of
islands designated for agriculture use. The purpose is to develop a body of
additional guidance on a variety of cleanup options for agricultural islands.
To be considered also is the desirability to use plowing after contamination

levels have been reduced to acceptably low levels to achieve the "as low as

practical" limit. Plowing could also be recommended as a future activity by
Dri-Enewetak, in some cases, if DOE/DOD resources are exhausted. Of special
interest are dose contributions resulting from use of certain islands for

agricultural purposes at or near 100 pCi/g. Review of dose estimates should
be completed not later than 15 February 1978.

The conference agreed that it was not desirable for the DOE

representative on the islands to be asked to certify to the reasonableness

of the resource expenditure by the JTG Commander as this was a DoD
It was further agreed that when DOE provides the
guidelines for islands intended for agricultural use, and verifies that
less than 400 pCi/g is a suitable guideline for islands intended for visiting
and food gathering use, the DOE on-island representative will be able to furnish

a certificate on an island-by-island basis as work is completed on the
individual islands, In fact, it was agreed that certification could be
accomplished at this time for those islands not needing cleanup actions for
their intended use, e.g. Enewetak, Japtan, and other southern islands.


Select target paragraph3