Mr. Tommy F. McCraw

Philosophies of Applying Radiological Standards
I sense from this 26 September 1973 draft that some consideration

io being given to reducing exposures from tne most radioactive areas
by possibly restricting movements of the occupants or by counting on
anticipated living patterns. I am fearful about the consequences of such
a philosophy for at least three reasons:

It is presumptious to believe that we will have the ability
to restrict movements over the decades applicable to the
fission product half lives, let alone the milenia applicable
to the plutonium half life.


The "worse case" conditions left even on remote and

undesirable istands will likely be the subject of unfavorable

publicity regarding residual radioactivity.

Population pressures and/or econemic
necessities might
force the Islanders to use restricted islands within decades,
even if they now intend to do otherwise.

It seems to me that a different philosophy will very simply avoid

these problems.

Tnis is the philoscpiy of simply cleaning all areas,

no matter how presently undesirable or remote these areas now are, to
the same radiological standard. Of course, if dollars, precedences, or
ecological difficulties require a less stringent standard than the ideal
standards, then this less stringent standard that would apply for the
entire Atoll] must be justified from the outset (if not justified, then

at least the costs and consequences spelled out).

During the short term (decades), strontium-90 from pandanus is the

overwnelming problem your Task Group faces. Correspondingly, this
should logically receive the major part of your attention as your work
progresses. When both the time before the fruit yield and the half
life are considered, the concern is seen to be for a decade or so.

Consistent with my own concerns about ability to control population
movements over decades, I similariy have considerable reservations about
our abilities to control pandanus plantings and consumption over a couple
of decades by rules and policies alone. Therefcre, one or both of the
following would logically be the major concern of your Task Force:

Devise methods by which the Islanders would naturally be
consuming uncontaminated pandanus unless they went to an
unlikely extent of trouble to do otherwise.

Select target paragraph3