The Nevada Applied Ecology Group (NAEG) annual information conference held in
Las Vegas, Nevada, in February, 1976, resulted in some interesting reports.
This publication is a compilation of research reports presented at that meeting,
as well as those presentations concerning support to the group field studies

at the Nevada Test Site.

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The objectives of the NAEG are restated here:


Delineate locations of contamination.
Determine concentrations in ecosystem components.
Quantify rates of movement among ecosystem components.
Evaluate radiological hazards of plutonium.
Identify areas which need to be cleaned up or treated.
Develop techniques for cleanup or treatment.

Work in the NAEG safety-shot intensive study sites is nearing final stages;

the planning for NAEG studies in the nuclear event sites at the Nevada Test
Site is progressing to an early field operations beginning. Synthesis and
evaluation of the data generated during the 3 years of safety-shot plutonium

studies has been accelerated in recent months so as to provide guidance for
the nuclear site projects.
Several authors of papers in this publication have
made efforts at synthesis of data under their respective investigative responsibility.

The cover of this report is a view from Rainier Mesa (6,000 feet elevation) at
the Nevada Test Site overlooking a playa, Groom Lake. Pahute Mesa, Buckboard

Mesa, and Rainier Mesa are NTS Great Basin desert environment locations under
study by the Nevada Applied Ecology Group.

We should like to thank the following persons for continued support and encouragement:
G. C. Facer, DMA/HQ; M. E. Gates (Manager), R. Ray, and R. L. Hitechew,
A special note of appreciation goes to A. E. Bicker, D. L. Wireman,
D. N. Brady, L. M. Rakow, the NAEG field crew, and laboratory personnel,
Reynolds Electrical & Engineering Co., Inc. (REECo); to H. B. Gayle, P. G.
Noblitt, Timothy M. Catt, and the Word Processing Center of Holmes & Narver,
Inc., Las Vegas; and to Willie B. Morris and Ruby A. Ramstad, secretaries,

Bioenvironmental Sciences Division, ERDA/NV.

Mary G. White

Scientific Program Manager

Nevada Applied Ecology Group
Paul B. Dunaway

Chairman, Steering Committee
Nevada Applied Ecology Group
Winnie Howard
Environmental Assistant

Nevada Applied Ecology Group

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