particular instance, however, much of the variability is attributable to the

insensitivity of the analytical methods to accurately measure the low levels
of Pu and Am radionuclides present in the small samples of vegetation available
for radioassay.
In spite of the high degree of variability, these results
gave some interesting findings.
First, the uptake of Pu and Am radionuclides
through plant roots was relatively low compared to the levels of contamination

present in the soil.

CR values for 239°2"9Pu ranged from 107° to 107? for

barley forage and from 10-© to 10°? for the fruit heads.
In several cases,
the CR values for **!Am were within an order of magnitude higher than for Pu,
indicating greater uptake of Am in proportion to Pu uptake through plant
Second, the nitrogen fertilizer and organic matter amendments had no
significant influence on root uptake of these radionuclides.
The DTPA chelate
treatments showed a tendency for increased uptake, but the high variability

masked any test for significance.

Third, the acidulation effect of sulfur in

combination with DTPA chelate significantly increased (P = .05) plant uptake
of 239°240py and 24 lam through roots.
This might imply greater solubility of
the source materials under more acidic edaphic conditions, but such conditions

are unlikely to occur in the soils of aged fallout areas at NTS and TTR because

of their high buffering capacity.

Results from the second experiment with alfalfa plants are given in Table 4.
Inasmuch as three different cuttings of forage were pooled together, the
sample size available for radioassay was as much as 10 times that obtained
from the single barley crop.
Consequently, more reliable results were obtained
with less variability in the analytical data.
The results for alfalfa again
verified relatively low plant uptake through roots of 239°240py and 24am from
Area 13 soils.
There were also no significant effects of the soil amendments
applied without DTPA chelate, with the exception of an increase in 24 lam
uptake attributable to acidulation by sulfur.
For treatments where DTPA

chelate had been applied, a significant increase (P = .05) in root uptake of

Pu and Am radionuclides was induced by acidulation with sulfur.
This particular
effect was more pronounced for Pu than for Am uptake.
The organic matter
amendment in combination with DTPA chelate also significantly increased 239°240py
uptake through alfalfa roots.
However, part of this particular increase might
have resulted from the slight acidulation effect caused by the high organic
Matter treatment (pH 7.6 to 6.5).
Even though certain modifying effects of
soil amendments mentioned above were significant, from a practical standpoint,
the CR values for Pu were altered only from 10-° to 107% and from one to two
orders of magnitude higher for Am.
Results are given in Table 5 for the third experiment wherein root uptake of
Pu and Am from different fallout area soils was tested with soybean plants.

(Analytical data for wheat grown in this experiment were not available to
include in this progress report.) The 239°240py and 24!am contents of plant
tissues varied among the different soils according to differences in the

contamination levels present.

Inasmuch as a common level of contamination had

not been achieved, comparisons between data can be made only for the DTPA

chelate and nonchelate treatments for a given soil.
A simple test of these
data indicated that, in virtually all cases, the addition of DTPA chelate
significantly increased Pu and Am radionuclide uptake through soybean roots.

Among the different soils tested, higher levels of Pu and Am activity appeared

to be taken up from the Area 11C and D soils in proportion to the contamination


Select target paragraph3