E. M. Romney, A. Wallace, P. A. T. Wieland,
and J. E. Kinnear
University of California, Los Angeles


Several species of plants were grown under glasshouse conditions in pot cultures

containing soil from some of the aged plutonium fallout areas on the Nevada
Test Site (NTS) and the Tonopah Test Range (TTR). This interim report contains
results for alfalfa, barley, and soybean plants from experiments designed to

test the influence of soil amendments on plant uptake of 239°240py and 24 lam
through live root systems.
Growth conditions were such that foliage surface
contamination could be prevented with confidence.

Results from an experiment with Area 13 soil showed that additions of nitrogen

fertilizer and organic matter amendments did not alter the uptake of 239°249py

and 41am through roots of barley and alfalfa plants. On the other hand,
acidulation of this soil with agricultural grade sulfur significantly increased
root uptake of these radionuclides (P = .05 level), especially when applied in
combination with the chelating agent, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid


A second experiment involving soil from eight of the different NAEG

study sites also showed that the DTPA chelate amendment significantly increased
root uptake of these radionuclides by soybean plants.

In these experiments, the Pu/Am ratios for plants generally were much lower
than the Pu/Am ratios for soils in which they were grown, indicating much
greater uptake of 24 lam through roots in proportion to 239°240py uptake.

Vegetation to soil concentration ratios (CR), which serve as an index of

uptake through roots, were low for each plant species and for all soils tested.

The CR values for 239°240py ranged from 1075 to 1073 for barley straw, and
10°§ to 1073 for barley fruit heads; 1075 to 107% for alfalfa forage; 10°*+ to

1073 for soybean leaves and stems; and 107& to 107* for soybean fruit pods.
The effect of increasing uptake by DTPA chelate amendment was generally within
one order of magnitude for Pu and Am radionuclides.
The CR values for **!am
ranged from 10°°
to 1073 for barley straw and fruit heads; 107" to 1072 for

alfalfa forage; 10-3 to 107! for soybean leaves and stems; and 10-* to 1072

for soybean fruit pods.
These CR values obtained under glasshouse conditions
were low compared to the vegetation to soil activity ratios of 1072 to 10°


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