complexes will have an effect on those mechanisms.
Some effort should be
directed toward complete chemical analyses, including organic matter, of some
soils to determine possible relationships.
The organic matter within a mound
is of immediate importance in that respect.

Dr. Tamura (ORNL) has performed particle sizing on some samples and determined
the plutonium concentration associated with the various sized fractions. This

information will be of value for profile and mound studies.
However, from the
standpoint of hazard evaluation, the NAEG resuspension study personnel need
specific data relative to plutonium concentration in the respirable fraction,
i.e., that fraction about 4 um or less in size.
Further investigations related
to that need should be initiated.

There are microplot data which should be assembled and summarized in a final

We would recommend that a person or persons be assigned that task and
the necessary data supplied to them.

A considerable volume of FIDLER data exists.
synthesize the data into a report.

An attempt should be made to

We have no knowledge of its true value;

however, an effort should be made to evaluate the data.
data, a person or persons should be assigned this task.

As with the microplot

With respect to inventory, there were questions as to whether mound samples
were collected at random since the number of mound samples is exceedingly
small when compared to the number of desert pavement samples.
Field data

notes are inadequate on this subject.

The data should be reviewed in light of

the known mound to desert pavement ratio; mound data should also be reviewed
to determine any possible bias which might result if a disparity exists between
numbers of mounds sampled and numbers which should have been sampled.
As has been pointed out previously, concentrations of plutonium calculated

from 21am data often show a disparity with data obtained for plutonium concentrations determined by radiochemical analysis. If funds are available, it is
recommended that radiochemical analyses be performed on Mound Study #1 samples
for 2397240py as well as 24%14m on the low activity samples to confirm the

Ge(Li) scans and to obtain direct data for 239°24 py to 241Am ratios.

It would be desirable to determine the absolute concentration of *4!Pu so that

future **!am concentrations can be projected and so that the absolute relation-

ship between 2!Pu and 24am can be determined.

A procedure for the determination of low levels of uranium has been developed
We recommend a meeting of analysts who will be involved for the
purpose of reviewing the procedure and designing a testing program commensurate
with possible NAEG requirements.
Interim Report

As the effort at the safety shot sites nears completion and NAEG prepares to
move into the nuclear sites, it becomes increasingly apparent that synthesized

interim reports collating and coordinating those data available should be


The reports should review past NAEG field studies and contain

reduced data from each study. Every attempt should be made to interrelate
needs and results from each study and thus define "gaps" where further work is

Possible errors in technique and/or philosophy should be examined

and alternate recommendations made to provide a guide for further studies.

Select target paragraph3