Le, wr a a ey a af Coed af £m AEESO John Harley, Health & Safety Division, August 15, 1952 HYOO Gordon M. Dunning, Blophysics Branch, Division of Mology and Medicine MINUTSS OF MEBTING HELD AT LOS ALAMOS ON AUDUST 56, 1952 SYMBOL: BMBP :GMD Will you please indicate any corrections or additions to the attached minutes of the meeting beld at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory on August 5-6, 1952, Please check especially the accuracy of reporting those points where agreements were reached, If you have additional thoughts that were not introduced into the meeting will you forward thes to me, as I will combine the replies as an addendum tc the minutes. At the meeting you indicated that you have some data on (1) 4/7 ratio of fission products as a function of time and (2) absorption curves for fission produced betas. Some of this information was touched on in the NYOO report on fallout, but we would appreciate having more data. Enolosures=3 GMD :nsd BEST COPYAVAILABLE OFFICE > SURNAME > DATE > Form saBC-318 B.S. GOVEANMENT PAINTING GFFHGE 1@—GRTSI-2 - ; "| DOSARCHIVES tte a nenen