Kendall Peterson of Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory, Dr. Charles Sondhausof
the University of California, William Adams,
M.D., Dr. John Baum,Victor Bond, M.D., Donald
Borg, M.D., Robert Conard, M.D., Eugene
Cronkite, M.D., Andrew Hull, Edward Lessard,
Charles Meinhold, Robert Miltenberger, Stephen
Musolino, and Dr. Jan Naidu,all from Brookhaven National Laboratory, Nathanial Green-

range associated with the contents of the stomach in cases of sudden death’ were usedtoesti-

mate maximum thyroid-absorbed dose. The

average dose was based on the average ly
activity in urine collected from people exposed
at Rongelap Island. The contribution to thyroid
dose from external sources was estimated by us
from the air exposure created by 142 nuclides
estimated from results of fallout composition.
The external dose estimated by us was similar
to original estimates by Sondhausfor persons
exposed at Rongelap and Utirik Islands. The
original external dose estimates at these islands,
1.75 gray and 0.14 gray (175 rad and 4 rad),
respectively, were derived from survey instrument readings taken at evacuation and film
badge data from a nearby military outpost.” Our
external dose value at Sifo Island, 1.1 gray (110
rad), was greater than the 0.69 gray (69 rad)
originally estimated by Sondhaus from postevacuation surveys of exposure rate. Thedifference wasdue to the presence of very short-lived
activation and transuranic nuclides which,
accordingto the nuclide composition, must have
been present prior to evacuation of Sifo Island.
Medical observations concerning thyroid
abnormalities have been tabulated by us along
with the new thyroid dose. From theseresults,
we estimate the mean cancer risk rate in the
exposed population of 251 people to be 150 thyroid cancers per million-person gray years at
risk (1.5+2.5 thyroid cancers per million-person
rad years at risk). The mean time at risk for
thyroid cancer was 19 years. We estimated the
mean thyroid nodule risk rate to be 830 nodules
per million-person gray yearsat risk (8.30 + 14
per million-person rad years at risk), The mean
time at risk for a thyroid nodule was 18 years.
The uncertainty derived for the estimate of risk
was based on the standard deviation in adult
mean urine activity concentration, the standard deviation in thyroid-absorbed dose per unit
intake, and the standard deviation in the spontaneous frequency of thyroid nodules or lesions
in the unexposed comparison group.

house from Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Dr.

Bruce Wachholz from the National Cancer
Institute, Thomas McCraw and Roger Ray from
the Departmentof Energy, and Barbara Boccia,
M.D., a physician in private practice.

1. Lessarp, E.T., MILTENBERGER, R.P., MusoLINO, S.V., NAIDU, J.R., AND CONARD, R.A.,
Thyroid-Absorbed Dose for Rongelap and
Utirik Residents. BNL, in press.
C.L., (Eds.), Some Effects of Ionizing Radia- |
tion on Human Beings. United States Atomic
Energy Commission Report, Washington, DC,
3. JAMES, R.A., Estimate of Radiation Dose to
Thyroid of Rongelap Children Following the
BRAVOEvent, UCRL-12278, 1964.
4. ConarRD, R.A. ET AL., A Twenty- Year Review
of Medical Findings in a Marshallese Popula-

tion Accidentally Exposed to Radioactive





The reexamination was accomplished because of the fine efforts of Dr. Fred Brauer of
Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Dr.


SOC 7824

Fallout, BNL 50424, 1974.
Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation. The Effects on Populations of
Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation, National Research Council Report,
National Academy Press, Washington, DC,
S.H., Muso.ino, 8.V., anD CoNaARD, R.A.,
Protracted exposure to fallout, the Rongelap
and Utirik experience, Health Phys. 46,
511-27 (1984),
LESSARD, E.T., Whole body counting results
from 1974 to 1979 for Bikini Island Residents,
Health Phys. 39 (3), 395-408 (1979).
Eve, LS., A review of the physiology of the
gastrointestinal tract in relation to radiation
doses from radioactive materials, Health Phys.
12, 131-61 (1966).
SonpHaus, C.A. AND Bonn, V.P., Physical
Factors and Dosimetry in the Marshall Islands
Radiation Exposures, Naval Medical Research .
Institute Report, Bethesda, MD, WT-939, 1955.

Select target paragraph3