sard (Safety and Environmental Protection
Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory)
have integrated the total clinical experiencecollected by the medical program relating thyroid
neoplasia to radiation exposure. It should be
noted that the unexposed population statistics
were supplied by Dr. Conard andused in their
calculations. Included are manyindividuals not
in the comparison population. For example,
“street surveys” for palpable thyroid lesions
were carried out on the islands of Wotje and
Likiep. From these and other unselected populations an approximateincidenceof thyroid neoplasia for unexposed Marshallese has been
derived. Table 5, on the other hand, is restricted
to persons in the exposure groups definedat the
outset of this report.

to the Marshall Islands medical program. The
excellent logistical support of Mr. William Stanley and his staff at the Pacific Area Support
Office, Department of Energy, Honolulu,and of
the captain and crewof LiktanurI] is sincerely
acknowledged. Of particular value to the Marshall Islands medical program has been the
highly competent and empathic assistance of
Ms. Jenuk Kabua, R.N., and Mr. Helmer Emos,
laboratory technician, Brookhaven National
Laboratory Marshallese employees. The excellent secretarial services of Ms. Geraldine Callister and the editorial assistance of Ms. Mary
Rustad are most appreciated. Dr. V.P. Bond,
Associate Director, Brookhaven National
Laboratory, kindly reviewed the manuscript.



Theprevious sixty-four Brookhaven National
Laboratory Medical Department publications
concerning the Marshall Islands fallout expo-

As in earlier Brookhaven National Laboratory reports on the findings of the Marshall
Islands medical program, a listing of individual
laboratory test results obtained at the time of
the annual examinations is provided in Appendix IV. This computer-generated listing has
been the base for data analysis as performed on
a VAX computer using BMDP statistical programs. The data presented were obtained at the
time of the annual medical examinations in
1981 and 1982. Laboratory work performed at
other times when clinically indicated is not
included in the computerlisting. For example,if
a woman were found to haveiron-deficiency
anemia at the time of an annual examination
and was treated with iron, her initial hemoglobin level and not the recovery value would be
given in Appendix IV. All test results, however,
are found in each person’s active medicalfile.

sure are included in the followinglist of refer-

ences. They are identified by an asterisk preceding the reference number. Those articles not
cited in the text are placed in chronological
order at the conclusion of the listing. In addition, several chapters in the third, fourth, and
fifth editions of the textbook Atomic Medicine
(Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD) were
contributed by the Medical Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and contain Marshallese data.
*1. CONARD,R.A.ETAL., Review of Medical Findings ina Marshallese Population Twenty-Six
Years After Accidental Exposure to Radioactive Fallout. BNL 51261, 1980.
*2, Conarp, R.A., MEYER, L.M., RALL, J.E.,
Lowrey, A., Bac, S.A., CANNON, B., CARTER, E.L., EICHER, M., and HecuTer, H., March
1957 Medical Survey of Rongelap and Utirik
People Three Years After Exposure to
Radioactive Fallout. BNL 501 (T-119), 1958.
3. MANTEL, N., Evaluation of survival data and
two new rank orderstatistics arising in its
consideration. Cancer Chemother. Rep. 50:
163-70 (1966).
4. Bres.Low, N., A generalized Kruskal-Wallis
test for comparing k samples subject to unequal patterns of censorship. Biometrika 57:
579-94 (1970).
5. GRIMSON, R. AND QUADE, D., Asimpletest for
equally likely random responsesin a sequence

The authors are grateful to Dr. R.A. Conard
(for many years the Principal Investigator of
the Marshall Islands Study), Dr. E.P. Cronkite
(Senior Scientist, Brookhaven National Laboratory), Dr. B. Dobyns (Departmentof Surgery,
Cleveland Metropolitan Hospital), Dr. P.R.
Larsen (Massachusetts General Hospital), and
Dr. J. Rebbins (Chief, Clinical Endocrinology
Branch, the National Institutes of Health) for
their continuing support andclinical assistance


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