/administrator stationed at Kwajalein in 1978
returned to the United States in 1981. He was
replaced by the Marshallese laboratory technician who had completed a clinical laboratory
training course in. Honolulu underthe auspices of
Brookhaven National Laboratory. Other Marshallese medical and paramedical personnel who
are included on the semiannual]medicaltrips are
provided by the Republic of the Marshall Islands.
They are listed among the team participants on
pages v-ix.
In 1981-82 five reports on matters pertinent to
public health were submitted to the Minister of
Health, Republic of the Marshall Islands. These
reports were based on data collected during the
. course of the semiannual medicaltrips. The topics included the prevalence of anemia, toxoplasmosis, hyperuricemia, yaws (an analysis of

serologic tests), and clinical findingsof a pedi-

atric trip. This is an ongoing project. Sharing of
such data obtained from the populations we
serve may benefit the Marshallese people as a

Laboratory Support
Most medical activities and all laboratory
services of the Brookhaven National Laboratory medical surveys are conducted aboard a
chartered U.S. Oceanographyvessel, Liktanur
II. Exceptions include the examinations performed in Brookhaven National Laboratory
facilities on Ebeye and pediatric examinations
at Rongelap and Utirik which, forreasons of the
children’s safety, are carried out in dispensaries
Laboratory support during the medical trips

is provided by four technicians. Routine five-






parameter blood counts are performed on a J.T.
Baker 500Aelectronic particle counter andsizer.
Leukocytedifferentials and phase contrast platelet counts are done concurrently. A battery of
clinical tests (including serum creatinine, glucose, amylase, uric acid, and liver function
tests) are carried out on a Beckmanspectrophotometer with commercially available reagent
kits. Serum sodium and potassium measurements are made on a Beckman Instruments
Electrolyte 2 system. Urinalysis (dipstick and
Microscopic), stool examinations (for occult
blood and parasites), and bacteriologic cultures
(aerobic and anaerobic) with antibiotic sensitivity testing are available. Hemoglobin Aic-

determinations, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase testing, and erythrocyte sedimentation
rates are also provided. Serum is routinely
separated andfrozen for thyroid function tests
and other studies which must be sent to commercial or university laboratories. Fingerstick
techniques are used on young children whenever possible. An x-ray machineis available for
most commonly required roentgenograms.
Electrocardiograms are also available.
Referral laboratories for studies mentioned in
this report include: BioScience Laboratories in
Honolulu (special chemistries, serologic tests),
Pathologists Laboratories, Inc. (Papanicolaou
smear readings), the Endocrinology Laboratory
at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston (thyroid function tests and prolactin assays), Protozoal Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta (toxoplasma serologies), Division of
Endocrinology and Metabolism, Reese Hospital
and Medical Center, Chicago (thyroglobulin levels), Hematology Laboratory at the University of
California, San Francisco (erythropoietin assays),
Parasitology Laboratory of the National
Hansen’s Disease Center, Carville (ova and parasite identifications), and the Hematology
Laboratory, University of Louisville School of
Medicine (folic acid and vitamin Biz assays).

Medical Findings
The age- and sex-matched comparison population of 86 Marshallese” selected in 1957 has
been usedin the construction of survival curves.
Although38 of these persons are no longer seen
for annual medical examinations (26 are
deceased), their status has been made available
to the medical team through personal acquaintances of the individuals. Figure 1 shows the
survival of the exposed and unexposed populations through 1982. Note that data collection on
the comparison group began in 1957 rather than
1954. Use of the tests of Mantel® and Breslow*
revealed nostatistically significant difference
between the survival curves of each of the
exposed groups and the comparison group.
The following 10 deaths have been recorded
since the 26-year report’:

Select target paragraph3